Thursday, October 31, 2019

Strategic Tourism Planing case study of city Brighton Essay

Strategic Tourism Planing case study of city Brighton - Essay Example 2. The purpose of the study is to find out the sustainable tourism plans of the city of Brighton & Hove. A tourism plan according to Stynes, D. & O’Halloran, C. (1987) must look at all the tourism resources, organization, markets within the region. It should also include economic, environmental, social, and institutional aspects of tourism development. The tourism plans of the city therefore must address all these issues. In analyzing the goals and objectives of the city plan, it is important to see if the plans serves the broader purpose, such as does it contribute to a broader tax base, how does it increase employment opportunities, expand recreational facilities, better educational programs, and how does it improve the quality of life. Destination places, like any economic product, has a life cycle and goes through several stages. It is like stages of cancer that comes in several stages wherein the fourth stage is the final blow – the termination of the life cycle. The first stage is the discovery stage wherein a number tourists come to a place seeking for â€Å"unspoiled† destination. The social impact at this stage is generally small and the residents welcome the tourists with positive attitudes. [BFSC} On the second stage, is the launching, wherein the host community is now ready to welcome the increasing number of tourists. The host community has started to provide facilities. Business starts first from a family base structure, but later on develops to a wider range as outsiders develop their business interests. Business develops into a mass market and novelty declines. Stage 3 is the stagnation wherein the market is saturated , the quality of services is no longer good, and there are signs of environmental degradation of the tourist destination. It is the worrying stage. (BFSC) Stage 4 marks the decline of tourism, and falling profits leads to withdrawal of business in the

Monday, October 28, 2019

“The Time Machine” by H.G. Wells Essay Example for Free

â€Å"The Time Machine† by H.G. Wells Essay In â€Å"The Time Machine† by H.G. Wells, the Time Traveler confronts a future that has apparently developed into a communist utopia, a belief system that Wells, a socialist, might well have supported.   The Traveler’s immediate reaction to the Eloi and his initial assumption that society has devolved into a classless cooperative reveals Wells’ bias towards a classless society. He also depicts the future as a beautiful, fruit-filled land instead of the dirty, smog-ridden reality that was Victorian era London. It is clear even in the opening chapters of the novel, that the Time Traveler shares many of Wells’ own biases and belief systems.   Though he believes that the Eloi have â€Å"devolved† due to the fact that they no longer need to work or improve their minds, the Time Traveler believes that this society is better than the one he came from where the poor were routinely mistreated and often malnourished. In many ways, the Time Traveler is the ultimate egalitarian: he believes that an Eloi society where the community works together to find its food and to live as equals is superior to his own society. It is not until the Traveler becomes aware of the presence of the Morlocks that he begins to question his initial impression. The fact that the Morlocks have become cannibalistic, Eloi-herders as a way of life is incredible depressing to the Traveler and he sets about to document these changes. Wells writes eventually that the Traveler is wrong in his theory about how the Morlocks and the Eloi come to be, but never discusses what the real cause of the evolution might be. From a philosophical standpoint, Wells development of the Eloi and Morlocks in his story is a remarkable commentary on his observations regarding the nature of man and how society might evolve. It is clear that in the Traveler’s initial opinion, the Eloi have developed from the upper class, from those who were too soft for manual labor and to enamored of recreational pursuits to challenge their minds. Likewise, the Morlocks are clearly supposed to have developed from the underclass and have resorted to violence and death as their way of life, never evolving to the point of problem solving or higher thought. In these most basic descriptions, Wells reveals his own bias towards the class warfare of Victorian England. Indeed, the Morlocks’ propensity for flesh-eating might well have developed out of the satirical writings of Jonathon Swift and his â€Å"A Modest Proposal.†Ã‚   Though in Swift’s essay it is the rich who eat the poor as a form of population control,   his commentary on the classes is very clearly echoed in â€Å"The Time Machine.†Ã‚   Both men argue effectively that class differences in the British Isles will likely lead to one class eating the other. By the subtle change from Swift’s â€Å"Proposal† to Wells’ Morlocks, we find that Wells’ believes it is likely the working class that will become cannabalistic and that the upper class has no redeeming qualities other than the ability to stuff their faces. Another philosophical issue facing the Time Traveler is the impact his travel will have on the world around him. This issue is central to the most recent film adaptation of the movie. In it, the Traveler attempts repeatedly to change the course of time to save his ill-fated fiancà © from certain death.   In both the film and the novel, the Time Traveler is forced to eventually face that he is unable to change the natural progression of time. The most interesting question here is whether he should have attempted to change time in the first place. Having seen the existence of the Eloi and the Morlocks and the eventual destruction of the planet, does the Traveler have any right to unwind, rewind or otherwise twist the fabric of time?   This question is largely unresolved in the novel, as the Traveler simply discovers that if he changes one event in the past, other events adapt to end with the same conclusion. The other question that this demands an answer to is the theory of time itself and of predetermination. If the Traveler is unable to change destiny by changing a specific event and if time adapts so that what is supposed to happen does, in one fashion or another, is there truly any conception of self-determination or is everything predestined. In his novel, Wells’ makes an effective argument for the concept that things happen as they are ordained to happen and man’s impact on them is infinitesimal. He argues through the repeated deaths of the Time Traveler’s fiancà © that fate is fate and cannot be changed. The joy of Wells’ novel is that on the surface it is simply a fantastical voyage into a future that might be, but that once one begins to scratch the surface, he finds a commentary on social justice, industrialization and even religion, as some religions argue that man is pre-destined to live his life in a certain manner. By never resolving the issues within the book, Wells allows the reader to determine for themselves whether they believe in predetermination or if they believe the future can be changed. He allows the reader to make his own judgments regarding the   battle between nature and industrialization and he allows the reader to decide how the battle between the classes will end. The novel allows the reader to take as much or as little from it as they desire and as such it is a classic of English literature.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Contrast of Virginia Woolf and Alice Walker Essay -- Writers Moral

The Contrast of Virginia Woolf and Alice Walker After reading the four essays assigned to this sequence, it becomes interesting to contrast two author's points of view on the same subject. Reading one professional writer's rewriting of a portion of another professional writer's essay brings out many of each of their characteristics and views. Also, the difference in writing styles could be drastic, or slight. Nevertheless, the writers display how versatile the English language can be. Alice Walker was born in 1944 as a farm girl in Georgia. Virginia Woolf was born in London in1882. They have both come to be highly recognized writers of their time, and they both have rather large portfolios of work. The scenes the might have grown up seeing and living through may have greatly influenced their views of subjects which they both seem to write about. In her essay "In Search of Our Mothers' Gardens," Alice Walker speaks first about the untouchable faith of the black women of the post-Reconstruction South. She speaks highly of the faith and undying hope of these women and their families. She even comes to recognize them as saints as she describes their faith as "so intense, deep, unconscious, the they themselves were unaware of the richness they held" (Walker 694). In a passage in which she speaks about the treatment and social status of the women of the sixteenth century, Woolf explains that a woman who might have had a truly great gift in this time "would have surely gone crazy, shot herself, or ended up in some lonely cottage on the outside of town, half witch, half wizard, feared and mocked" (Woolf 749). Her use of some of these powerful nominative shows that she feels strongly about what she is writing. Also for her, life growing up and stories she may have heard may have influenced this passage greatly. In her passage she imagines what it may have been like had William Shakespeare had a sister. She notices how difficult it would be even given the same talents as Shakespeare himself, to follow throughout and utilize them in her life. It is clear after reading further into Woolf's passage that obviously she lived in a different time period, only about fifty years apart though. The way she relates and tells a very similar story with an entirely different setting shows without the reader even knowing that she wa... ... Whether this style that Virginia Woolf uses is correct or not, it is powerful and it pauses the reader and , most importantly, helps the reader think in exactly the same manner as she was when she wrote it. The pauses she experienced in her thoughts when she wrote the story about the story about the writer's sister are simulated and relived when the reader crosses them. Both writers do a fine job of stressing the morals in their writing. The reader can, in Walker's essay, put himself in the first person and imagine the South very easily because of how descriptive she is in her narration. The reader of Woolf's essay clearly can understand and come to realize the unfairness and downright cruelty of the pure neglect of hidden talent among many women throughout time. She does this through simply telling a good story. This perhaps show that Virginia Woolf may have been fond of Walker's work. Woolf chooses to clearly state and agree with the same points Walker makes and shows the ideas in a different light because indeed she is a different person with different attributes. This shows up dominantly in her rewriting of Walker's "In Search of Our Mothers' Gardens."

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Diet Misconceptions Essays -- Nutrition

It is a well-known fact that women have always worried about their weight. In fact, they worry about it so much that in a recent poll done by NBC and the Meredith Corporation, it was discovered that women in the United States worry more about weight than they do about cancer (Davies). Fearing fat cells more than mutated cells? It may not be so crazy. The national weight has skyrocketed in recent years, with much of the blame being laid on fast food restaurants and our sedentary lifestyles, but what if there’s a more detrimental contributing factor? Most people don’t research a diet before they go on it, unless the research includes finding out the success rate. Living in an era of mass advertising and media bombardment, our eye can be caught easily by flashy words and hype diets, leaving the truth buried underneath the desires to lose weight. Not only does it cover the truth, it covers the solution to many societal problems such as obesity and diseases with links to die t. Misconceptions regarding nutrition are causing major problems today and even fuel the most worrisome health dangers. To dig past this dilemma, correct knowledge about nutrition needs to be gained, or hype diets and incorrect information will continue to affect the American diet; leaving people unhappy and overweight. Americans foster many different views about how we should eat: non-fat, low-fat, low-carb, Adkins style, etc. But which is the right way? The misconceptions vary greatly and spread across a large area. What has been ingrained in people as children may be wrong in its assumptions about diet. For example, is it surprising that non-fat diets are actually worse for you than eating a healthy amount of fat each day? The food pyramid teaches the method o... ... Publishing Service Selection Page. Version Vol. 19, Issue 2. Nutridate, n.d. Web. 16 May 2012. Davies, Megan. " U.S. women worry more about weight than cancer: poll | Reuters ." Breaking News, Business News, Financial and Investing News & More | N.p., n.d. Web. 24 May 2012. Meyers, Hannah Rice. "Pros & Cons Of Diet Pills | LIVESTRONG.COM." LIVESTRONG.COM - Lose Weight & Get Fit with Diet, Nutrition & Fitness Tools | LIVESTRONG.COM. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 May 2012. Pollan, Michael. In defense of food: an eater's manifesto. New York: Penguin Press, 2008. Print. Taubes, Gary. Good calories, bad calories: challenging the conventional wisdom on diet, weight control, and disease. New York: Knopf, 2007. Print. Trebilcock, Bob. " EBSCOhost: IF YOUR DIET PILL WORKS... It's bad for you." EBSCO Publishing Service Selection Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 May 2012. Diet Misconceptions Essays -- Nutrition It is a well-known fact that women have always worried about their weight. In fact, they worry about it so much that in a recent poll done by NBC and the Meredith Corporation, it was discovered that women in the United States worry more about weight than they do about cancer (Davies). Fearing fat cells more than mutated cells? It may not be so crazy. The national weight has skyrocketed in recent years, with much of the blame being laid on fast food restaurants and our sedentary lifestyles, but what if there’s a more detrimental contributing factor? Most people don’t research a diet before they go on it, unless the research includes finding out the success rate. Living in an era of mass advertising and media bombardment, our eye can be caught easily by flashy words and hype diets, leaving the truth buried underneath the desires to lose weight. Not only does it cover the truth, it covers the solution to many societal problems such as obesity and diseases with links to die t. Misconceptions regarding nutrition are causing major problems today and even fuel the most worrisome health dangers. To dig past this dilemma, correct knowledge about nutrition needs to be gained, or hype diets and incorrect information will continue to affect the American diet; leaving people unhappy and overweight. Americans foster many different views about how we should eat: non-fat, low-fat, low-carb, Adkins style, etc. But which is the right way? The misconceptions vary greatly and spread across a large area. What has been ingrained in people as children may be wrong in its assumptions about diet. For example, is it surprising that non-fat diets are actually worse for you than eating a healthy amount of fat each day? The food pyramid teaches the method o... ... Publishing Service Selection Page. Version Vol. 19, Issue 2. Nutridate, n.d. Web. 16 May 2012. Davies, Megan. " U.S. women worry more about weight than cancer: poll | Reuters ." Breaking News, Business News, Financial and Investing News & More | N.p., n.d. Web. 24 May 2012. Meyers, Hannah Rice. "Pros & Cons Of Diet Pills | LIVESTRONG.COM." LIVESTRONG.COM - Lose Weight & Get Fit with Diet, Nutrition & Fitness Tools | LIVESTRONG.COM. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 May 2012. Pollan, Michael. In defense of food: an eater's manifesto. New York: Penguin Press, 2008. Print. Taubes, Gary. Good calories, bad calories: challenging the conventional wisdom on diet, weight control, and disease. New York: Knopf, 2007. Print. Trebilcock, Bob. " EBSCOhost: IF YOUR DIET PILL WORKS... It's bad for you." EBSCO Publishing Service Selection Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 May 2012.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Nursing History Essay

This paper will discuss how Nursing’s History has helped to inform nursing’s future. It will discuss the turn of the twentieth century and the importance of this era on the nursing profession. (Brodie, 2010) The development of nursing education and Florence Nightingale’s contribution to modern day nursing (Hoyt, 2010). Possibilities for the future, which will enable further social standing and the prominence of nursing as a profession. (Fairman, 2012) The study of nursing history helps us to better understand the issues of autonomy, unity, supply and demand, salary, and current practice. Learning from the role models of history, make positive changes in the present and provide options for the future. Provides the ability to make improvements on past practices and creating a sense of best practice. (Brodie, 2010). Florence Nightingale is considered to be the founder of modern day nursing. She was influential in the development of nursing education, practice, and administration. (Hoyt, 2010) Nightingale’s work served to establish nearly all the advancements that would arise in the nursing profession in the coming decades. It was from her work, Notes on Nursing, set the tone for all theories that followed. Prior to 1840, no formal education was provided to people who cared for the ill. These skills and lessons commonly provided in the form of generational learning or trial and error. The care of the sick usually fell to women of a lower social standing or class who were unable to obtain any other work. Nightingale identified the need for formal training of nurses and workers in the public health arena. There has been substantial growth in the innovation of the nursing profession; there have been advanced nursing programs established due to the ‘increasing complexities of modern nursing’. The turn of the twentieth century saw the creation of professional nursing organisations that allowed our profession to be self-regulated, this included formal training and competency standards. (Brodie, 2010). Given that Nursing evolved into the self regulated profession it is, provides the opportunity to have a strong stance in the negotiations and  establishment of appropriate working conditions, working hours arrangements and collective agreements. These negotiations and agreements were made later in the 20th century and now stand as a benchmark for generations of nurses to follow. (D’Antonio, 2010) The history of nursing provides current day nursing teachers, leaders and professional’s insight into opportunities and possibilities in our profession, aiding us to be accountable for our actions and enables us to provide comment and feedback on potential improvements. (Fairman, 2012) It enables a review of procedures and policy and make recommendations for improvement. It confers the opportunity to be integral in policy implementation for the betterment of health care available to the public. ‘Virginia Nursing History’ is a website that was created in 2001; the site is overall a very useful and provides a nice perspective on leadership in nursing in Virginia from around 1900 to the near present. (Gibson, 2009) Gibson highlit the importance of websites such as this to show the progress and steps that have been made in the nursing profession. It highlights the extraordinary work that high performing nurses have accomplished and the prominent members of the nursing community. Gibson mentions that the work done by nurses tends to go unnoticed or unreported and tools such as this, using modern day technology (internet) to show the progression of our profession. Having knowledge of the history of nursing helps us to understand where nursing came from and how nursing evolved as a profession throughout time. It provides us with the opportunity to reflect on how things were and why we do things the way we do. It shows us that we have grown from being regarded as the lowest working class, ones who didn’t require training or education. Transformed to a profession highly regarded for its intensive training and requirements, which are providing us with the capability to grow, expand and continue to firm the foundation for future potential nurses. The generational change and progression have given us prominent stance in the public health arena. Thanks to the evolution of nursing and the timeline of growth we, as nurses, are respected and are in a position to continue to  grow and improve. Given the growth in our profession and interesting point to ponder is, where will nursing as a profession be in decades to come?

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Bernard Bass

Critique on the contribution of the transactional-transformational leadership paradigms of Bernard Bass to modern management thought and practice INTRODUCTION Transformational leadership, (TFN) was first distinguished from transactional leadership, (TCN) around 1973 by Downton. James Mc Gregor Burns, in the late 1970s, studying the histories of various political leaders, continued to redefine the differences in (TFN) leadership and (TCN) leadership. TFN leaders’ and followers’ purposes become fused, as both seek new ways of working with an objective, thus achieving more for both. TCN leaders engage with followers in a transaction that involves rewards (pay, promotion, etc) for the followers, for superior performance. (Burns, 1978) In â€Å"Factors of Transactional and Transformational Leadership†, Bass (1985) concludes that neither purely transactional nor purely transformational leadership style would result into subordinates’ performance beyond expectation. Analyses of various surveys make him suggest that a mixture of both provides the highest outcome. While theories since the 1980s widely assume that one leader has only one style, others analyses of the correlation between leadership behavior and employee motivation suggest that transformational leadership would drive higher achievement than transactional, Bass observes that one leader, mainly belonging to one of the two styles, might show attitudes of the other style as well based on contingencies. Ultimately Bass expanded upon the theories of Downton and Burns, and brought in several contributions of which the most notable are the four â€Å"I’s†, (Inspiration, Intellectual Stimulation, Individual Consideration, Charisma) and the Multi-Factor Leadership Questionnaire which helps determine the leader’s strengths and weaknesses in transformational leadership areas. CONTRIBUTIONS TO MODERN MANAGEMENT PRACTICES AND THEORIES The contribution made b... Free Essays on Bernard Bass Free Essays on Bernard Bass Critique on the contribution of the transactional-transformational leadership paradigms of Bernard Bass to modern management thought and practice INTRODUCTION Transformational leadership, (TFN) was first distinguished from transactional leadership, (TCN) around 1973 by Downton. James Mc Gregor Burns, in the late 1970s, studying the histories of various political leaders, continued to redefine the differences in (TFN) leadership and (TCN) leadership. TFN leaders’ and followers’ purposes become fused, as both seek new ways of working with an objective, thus achieving more for both. TCN leaders engage with followers in a transaction that involves rewards (pay, promotion, etc) for the followers, for superior performance. (Burns, 1978) In â€Å"Factors of Transactional and Transformational Leadership†, Bass (1985) concludes that neither purely transactional nor purely transformational leadership style would result into subordinates’ performance beyond expectation. Analyses of various surveys make him suggest that a mixture of both provides the highest outcome. While theories since the 1980s widely assume that one leader has only one style, others analyses of the correlation between leadership behavior and employee motivation suggest that transformational leadership would drive higher achievement than transactional, Bass observes that one leader, mainly belonging to one of the two styles, might show attitudes of the other style as well based on contingencies. Ultimately Bass expanded upon the theories of Downton and Burns, and brought in several contributions of which the most notable are the four â€Å"I’s†, (Inspiration, Intellectual Stimulation, Individual Consideration, Charisma) and the Multi-Factor Leadership Questionnaire which helps determine the leader’s strengths and weaknesses in transformational leadership areas. CONTRIBUTIONS TO MODERN MANAGEMENT PRACTICES AND THEORIES The contribution made b...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Mitosis Versus Meiosis essays

Mitosis Versus Meiosis essays Mitosis and Meiosis are very different for many reasons. One reason being what they produce. Two being how they are produced. And three being what they both insure. Mitosis is different than Meiosis because of many things. The first thing would be that they produce different things. One thing that they produce differently would be that Mitosis produces body cells, also known as Somatic cells and Meiosis produces sex cells or Gametes. Mitosis produces only two daughter cells while meiosis produces four daughter cells. Another difference would be that Mitosis produces cells for growth and repair, while Meiosis produces cells for sexual reproduction. Mitosis and Meiosis are produced very differently. Instead of just the five main steps, Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase and Telophase, Meiosis has not only those but an additional Interphase (II ), Prophase (II), Metaphase (II), Anaphase (II), and Telophase (II). Mitosis is produced to make cells for growth and repair and meiosis is produced to make cells for sexual reproduction. Those are two very different things because cells that grow and repair help to keep those cells that already exist healthy and happy while the reproduction is used for making more cells. Mitosis and Meiosis both insure different things like Mitosis insures that all daughter cells are genetically identical, while Meiosis insures that it will generate genetic diversity through the crossing over and random separation of homologous pairs of chromosomes. Mitosis also has a difference in metaphase. In metaphase the chromosomes line up singly. In meiosis metaphase I the chromosomes line up as homologous pairs. The two double chromosomes are called a tetrad when they are lined up side by side, the crossing over occurs during the tetrad. Also there is a difference in the nuclear division of the two. In mitosis there is only one nuclear division while in meiosis there ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Hills Like White Elephant essays

Hills Like White Elephant essays In everyone ¡s life, there will always be a time that you have to make an important choice. Whether is for education, business or relationship. In the story  ¡Hills Like White Elephant ¡ by Ernest Hemingway is about making choice in a relationship situation, about a girl who need to make important choice about whether to keep the pregnant child within her, or do abortion so her husband will be happy. In the story  ¡Hills Like White Elephant ¡ Ernest Hemingway introduce two characters to us, a girl named Jig, who is pregnant with a baby, and the American man who sounds like he is a carefree person and who loves to travel. The reason why I say this American man loves to travel is because the story tell us that  ¡there were labels on bags from all the hotels where they had spent night ¡ (208) shows the they traveled a lot. In the story, Jig sounds like she really want to have this baby, but her husband (the American man) didn ¡t want to keep this baby, because in the story the man said  ¡I think is the best thing to do(to have abortion) ¡ (207) and he know if the baby was born, it will effect their carefree life and the all the travels, that ¡s why he say that  ¡That ¡s the only thing that bothers us. It ¡s the only thing that ¡s made us unhappy ¡ (207). So the man try to convince Jig to do the abortion by saying thing such as  ¡It ¡s really an awfu lly simple operation, they just gonna let the air in ¡ (207),  ¡My friend ¡s wife did it, and they were so happy ¡ (207),  ¡We can have the world, we can go everywhere ¡ (208) and  ¡I ¡ll go with you and I ¡ll stay with you all the time ¡ (207). Jig sounds like she really want to have this baby, but she know her husband will be more happy if she did the abortion. And she keep asking him  ¡if I do it you ¡ll be happy me and things will be like they were and you ¡ll love me? ¡ (207). Even thought that the man ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Reasoning of the Astrology Using Illumination Manuscript by Essay

The Reasoning of the Astrology Using Illumination Manuscript by Lumbourg Brothers - Essay Example People dealt mainly with the effects of Black deaths and Great Schism1. In spite of the new age problems, there was an evolution of new economic system. The thriving economies gave a leeway to the evolution of various cities, as well as, rural-urban migration. It is worthwhile noting that during the period, gothic art became the epitome of an inspiration to the art of Northern Europe, especially the illuminations and the exquisite combination of colors seen through stained glass. One of the most significant developments in French manuscripts was the new concept, as well as, the presentation of space. The pictures and images done by the then artists no longer flat as they were but have been developed into three dimensions. Many historians argue that the style could have been possible due to the contact with Italian artists and their humanism development. One of the main artists during the periods was the Lumbourg Brothers. The group expanded the illusionistic capabilities of illuminat ion. The paper will cover a detailed analysis of their work, as revealed in the Book of Hours for Jean, the Duke of Berry. The analysis will be based on irony and astrological reasoning as depicted in the book. It will also include the examples of the works of arts during the period. To begin with, the calendar pages are perhaps considered the most famous in the illuminated manuscript history. ... In the month of January, the relationship between Duke and that of the peasant people is evident. The Duke appears at the reception of the New Year, at court and is noted by the existing large halo behind him. The chamberlains stand in front of him and they usher the two people with the words, â€Å"approach† written on both sides behind him2. The large tapestry believed to be a scene from the Trojan War and the table full of rich foods displays the wealth that accompanies The picture depicts the feast of Epiphany that was celebrated in the hall of Hotel d’Grac’. In the middle of the picture, next to Jean De Berry is an inscription, Aproche’. The prince is accessible to all in this festive occasion. the Duke. In addition, each illustration in the artwork is accompanied with an appropriate hemisphere showing a solar chariot, the degrees and the signs of zodiac as well as the numbering of the days of the month. They also show martyrological letters represent ing lunar calendar. The subjects of the illustrations for the first four months of the calendar are as shown: January is regarded as the month of giving New Year’s gifts, although the custom has died out currently contrary to the Christian teachings on generosity and sharing. On this day, Jean Berry is seen on the right and he appears as he wears the brilliant blue robe. In the month of February, it is wintertime in a peasant village and farm inhabitants are portrayed in the pictures as they warm themselves around the fires, in the background daily lives. To them, life goes on as normal. They cut wood, take cattle to the market, and perform all other normal chores

Friday, October 18, 2019

Advancements in IS hardware and software Research Paper

Advancements in IS hardware and software - Research Paper Example on sector has experienced a number of changes in the last five years and that forms the basis of discussion in the text with a focus on IS hardware and software (Baltzan & Phillips, 2009). Over the past five years, information system hardware has tremendously transformed in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. To begin with, the computer processors have been enhanced to the extent that they have increased speed and performance. Computer processors have the capabilities of processing large bulk of information by responding to the instructions as appropriate. Moreover, the hardware memories are able to store large data before they are processed (Baltzan & Phillips, 2009). In the past, the memory was restricted to a certain capacity to the extent that once the limited space was occupied, no data or information could be stored. The IS hardware have been transformed with enhanced capabilities, making them compatible with other components. It has become possible to integrate hardware and software components for effective communication of the various elements of an information system (Baltzan & Phillips, 2009). Information system software has had an impressive run in the business world in the last five years due to a number of changes. Most of the IS software has been developed to meet specific needs in the market. Case in point is that a number of the components are today developed for financial purposes, data evaluation and analysis. The specifications have simplified the use of the softwares. Consequently, IS software is compatible with most of the hardware components and this has made it possible to employ any information system material without any restrictions (Cockburn, 2008). The communication between the various components of a software have been simplified due to enhanced performance and effectiveness. Software designs have changed, making them more user friendly and easy to adapt (Cockburn, 2008). Moreover, the quality of the IS software has changed

Summaries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Summaries - Essay Example There is no safety net that ensures the society is not held hostage by a few individuals, and thus is not a fair system for those who are not able to make ends meet. This system satisfies the wishes and objectives of a few in the society who are able to manipulate their way up the social ladder. Feminists believe that the dismantling of the capitalist’s way of thinking will play a decisive role in liberating the underprivileged from oppression (Christian, 2011). Communism, on the other hand, is a revolutionary movement that creates a freer market, and classless, moneyless and stateless society. It is based upon common ownership of the means of production as principles that aim at establishing a social order. This brings together the social, political and economic ideologies. It is centered on the belief in the power of the people and pooling of resources and labor thereby encouraging collective ownership (Christian, 2011). It is a way of avoiding the exploitations that become prevalent through feudal systems. It brings the rights of the poor to the fore with each individual having a chance to exercise their rights. In this system the will of the people becomes the law. It equates all people while ensuring that everyone benefits from communal resources. Feminists see this as their liberation from the oppressive past as the communists built the foundation of the 1950’s and 1960’s liberation movements (Christian, 2011). Qn2: Karl Marx, communism & alienated labor Karl Marx believed in the need for the end of exploitation that was perpetuated by only a few individuals through the oppression of the rest in the society. He designed the communist way of thinking as a way of fighting the evils of capitalism and as a way of ending the status quo conflict (Christian, 2011). He believed communism was one best way of bringing people together and putting them in a position that would make it highly unlikely for humans to exploit fellow beings. Those wit h the private means of production would lose it to the community making it possible for the community to take over. Equity would prevail after oppression is done away with, which, in turn, would provide abundant opportunities with few limitations or barriers for people to achieve their goals. Each would give according to their abilities and receive according to their needs (Christian, 2011). The alienation of labor brought about by the class system would cease to exist as everyone would have a chance to provide for the communal needs. Workers will not be held captive by their bosses as they would become autonomous and self-realized human beings. Alienation made the workers express their social aspect through a production system that was unfairly owned and this meant that their goals would be directed by the highly privatized production system, and communism sought to break this ideology. Qn 3: Nietzsche and the Eternal Return The concept of the eternal return is based on speculation that the universe has been recurring and will continue to do so in a similar form. This process goes on for an infinite number of times within an infinite space. If time and space are infinite, then the world has had experiences that will be repeated over and over in an infinite proposition. Nietzsche posits that what has happened in the past will come to play again in the future. Thus, the cycle of the future emanates from the past cycles and this is a process that recurs more often

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 8

Business Law - Essay Example The offer letter was also duly signed by Jennings, further confirming his intention to offer the car for sale to Wheeler. The offer letter, sent by any means like post or through personal delivery, was duly received by Wheeler and this fact is confirmed by his subsequent action, viz., to accept the offer and tendering the sale price of $13,500 on 29 September. Thus Jennings’ letter of September 1 to Wheeler is a valid offer on the date of its acceptance by Wheeler. This offer was not withdrawn or amended by Jennings before Wheeler communicated his acceptance. Wheeler responded to the offer letter by accepting it on 29 September and tendering the sale price. The date of acceptance is well within the validity period of the offer viz., October 9. However, it is seen that till September 15, there was no communication from Wheeler to Jennings and this period of silence can be construed as a fair and reasonable period of waiting for Jennings to decide on his next course of action if he thought that Wheeler may not be interested in the offer. However, since no consideration was exchanged between the two parties, Jennings was free to revoke his offer at any time. The options available for Jennings as on September 15 are a) to wait for Wheeler’s response till the expiry of the validity period of the offer or, b) to withdraw his offer (rescind or revoke) and to sell off the item to another person. Waiting for Wheeler’s response till October 9 would have given unilateral freedom of action to Jennings since the validity of the offer expires on that date. In case Jennings was in a position to make the sale by an earlier date, he could do so but he should have first withdrawn his offer to Wheeler on the grounds that a) he received no consideration and that b) he had waited for a reasonable time period viz. up to September 15 to hear Wheeler’s response. His action to dispose off the car without withdrawing the offer made to Wheeler

Article Summary + Its Application at an Organization Essay

Article Summary + Its Application at an Organization - Essay Example Because of this study, the authors hope a clearer picture is painted on not only why HR managers might pass on suggestions, but also which practices supported by research do not concern practitioners in the field. The authors also import insights from the Canadian Human Rights Tribunals and how that organization selects individuals to serve on the committee, which is an interesting interdisciplinary attempt to draw on different sources, beyond simply those working in the human resources field. As a result, Simola, Taggar and Smith (2007) emphasize the concept of â€Å"alignment† between practice and theory. The study looked at 329 human resources professionals in a central Canadian province, 301 of whom had completed interviews over the past 12 months prior to the survey. Participants completed a survey that examined six dimensions of interview structure, including job analysis, standardized administration, behavioral questions, training, note taking, and interview panels. HR professions in the study were measured according to a Likert scale on how often they employed such techniques. In addition to comparing the frequency of using particular interviewing techniques with descriptive statistics, the authors regressed perceived interviewing expertise of the practitioners and their preparedness to respond to candidates’ concerns onto the six-dimensional variable of interview structure. Firstly, the research found that Canadian human resources professionals converge with the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal in terms of what interview practices are valued by deviating from professional standards and recommendations of research scholars of employment interviewing. Secondly, human resources professionals do not make much use of standardization despite recommendations from research scholars and more frequent use of the technique by Human Rights Tribunals. Thirdly, both Human Rights Tribunals and interview

Responsibility of a Nurse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Responsibility of a Nurse - Essay Example The level of responsibility of a nurse in advocating a patient with suspicious injury or illness is very high. A nurse needs to make the patient aware of his/her actual injury or disease in order to make the patient mentally prepare for proper treatment. If there is a possibility of substance abuse or domestic violence, the level of responsibility of a nurse becomes even higher. A nurse needs to report any suspicious injury or illness present in the patient to the doctor in order to assist the doctor in suggesting an appropriate treatment for the patient. It is the ethical and legal responsibility of a nurse to provide the patient with physical as well as psychological treatment while advocating a patient with suspicious injuries. Some of the best ways in which nurses can fulfill their ethical and legal responsibilities include taking proper care of the patient, examining all aspects of the injury, making the patient feel relaxed and safe, and reporting complete case to the doctor. N urses face a number of challenges while dealing with patients having suspicious injuries. Some of the major challenges include making the treatment practical for the patient, making the patient mentally strong, making the patient forget the incident, and maintaining openness and honesty while dealing with such patients.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Apple's Strategy in the PC and MP3 Player Industries Essay

Apple's Strategy in the PC and MP3 Player Industries - Essay Example Apple made the difficult transition by having the chief elements of a successful strategy in place that allowed the company to formulate and execute the right moves: (1) high quality people such as managers, engineers, designers, marketing support, etc.; (2) a solid set of core competencies and competitive capabilities, and (3) the right company structure. These three key elements define Apple as a business organization and account for its success in launching innovative products that were profitable and that grabbed a major share of the market (Thompson & Strickland, 2006). First, Apple’s workers are among the most creative and smartest in the industry. It has managed to attract an overwhelming number of applicants for each job vacancy on the basis of its corporate image and the privilege of working for a corporate icon of the computer industry, a company package that includes CEO Steve Jobs who started the personal computer revolution. The company’s compelling vision of making technology more accessible to the masses by promising to have a beautifully designed quality technology product for almost anybody attracted these workers. Second, Apple has a core set of competencies and competitive capabilities. It has a substantial amount of brand equity, which means that the Apple brand is easily recognizable and associated with a set of attractive features that create an emotional impact on customers. Its blockbuster successes in designing products have given it an edge in product differentiation, allowing the company to command a premium price because it enjoys a first mover advantage that continuously attracts a relatively stable market to buy its products. By coming up first with products that incorporate new technological developments in an elegant and easy-to-use form, such as the graphics user interface, the mouse, the special look and feel that enchants first-time computer users and makes them loyal customers, and now the iPod and its derivative products, Apple shows how it integrates its Research & Development (R&D) function to bring innovations to market in a profitable manner.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Responsibility of a Nurse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Responsibility of a Nurse - Essay Example The level of responsibility of a nurse in advocating a patient with suspicious injury or illness is very high. A nurse needs to make the patient aware of his/her actual injury or disease in order to make the patient mentally prepare for proper treatment. If there is a possibility of substance abuse or domestic violence, the level of responsibility of a nurse becomes even higher. A nurse needs to report any suspicious injury or illness present in the patient to the doctor in order to assist the doctor in suggesting an appropriate treatment for the patient. It is the ethical and legal responsibility of a nurse to provide the patient with physical as well as psychological treatment while advocating a patient with suspicious injuries. Some of the best ways in which nurses can fulfill their ethical and legal responsibilities include taking proper care of the patient, examining all aspects of the injury, making the patient feel relaxed and safe, and reporting complete case to the doctor. N urses face a number of challenges while dealing with patients having suspicious injuries. Some of the major challenges include making the treatment practical for the patient, making the patient mentally strong, making the patient forget the incident, and maintaining openness and honesty while dealing with such patients.

Thunder from the Sea Essay Example for Free

Thunder from the Sea Essay The story of Joan Hiatt Harlows Thunder from the Sea (2004) revolves around a 13 year-old boy named Tom Campbell and a dog-called Thunder. Tom has been an orphaned since the age of 3, which is why he has never experience belonging in a family. On the other hand, Thunder was lost at sea during a very bad storm and it was during this time of need that Tom rescued this dog. Tom and Thunder were able to find companionship with each other. Tom experienced having a family with the Murray household and a loyal friend with Thunder. It was through these relationships that he was able to find the sense of acceptance and belongingness that he never experience in the orphanage.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å"No man is an island.† This line is indeed true especially when you used it in the context of this book. Tom Campbell is like anyone else also needs other people in order to make their lives complete. Almost everyone have to establish a certain connection with others in order to know more about themselves. It is through the very idea of caring for someone, being loyal to other people and most especially loving your fellow individual that one can make sense of the world. The mere idea of feeling these emotions makes a person realized that he or she is indeed a human being that is capable of giving a part of his or her life to other people and sometimes that is what it takes for a life to be meaningful.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This heart-warming story emphasizes the importance of finding lifes meaning through the influence and aid of others. Someone does not have to be a dog-lover in order to appreciate and see the lessons underlying this book. It approaches the idea of loneliness, loyalty, and love in a way that almost all people could relate to. Harlow succeeded in writing a piece of literature that tackles an important aspect of a persons life especially during this present time that the society is taking for granted how essential it is to establish meaningful and long-lasting relationships.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Thunder from the Sea is a good read that will take its readers to an exciting journey of finding lifes meaning. It will also invokes its readers to re-think and re-assess the relationships that they have or need to have as well as their over all outlook about their lives. Reference Harlow, J. H. (2004). Thunder from the Sea. U.S.A: Simon and Schuster Childrens Publishing.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Future Products Influenced By Gianni Versace Fashion Essay

Future Products Influenced By Gianni Versace Fashion Essay Summary The main purpose of this report is to give some useful advice to develop future product ranges through researching the design of the late Italian fashion designer Gianni Versace. Firstly, as the founder of Versace fashion house, Gianni Versace was an extremely powerful designer who had won a great number of nobles and awards. Because of his glamorous design, many celebrities were his fans. Versace nurtured a group of supermodels who plays an essential role in his fashion empire. Secondly, Gianni Versace s design principles are sexiness, luxury and detail, his design philosophy is representing the energy of human body. Thirdly, through the contrast and compare the designs of Gianni Versace, Giorgio Armani and Roberto Cavalli, it is clearly to see the similarities and differences between these Italian fashion hierarchs. In addition, it is impossible to avoid discussing the great influence Gianni Versace had on contemporary fashion and the reason his design is still relevance today which is the spirit of innovation and luxury. Finally, there are several suggestions may be useful to develop future product ranges such as applying luxurious materials, sexy cut and exquisite decorations. Findings About the Designer Among the first-class fashion brands in Europe, Versace from Italy is undoubtedly an iconic flag which is emitting radiant and luxuriant sparkles. It presents the pioneering culture of contemporary fashion, interprets the full-bodied humanistic emotion from South Italy through a strong perception of aesthetic. The founder of the brand, Gianni Versace, dedicated his entire life into pursuing of the beauty of fashion, has been honored as one of the greatest fashion designers on the planet. At the very beginning, Gianni Versace s design did not cause a worldwide impact, until he met the famous American photographer, Richard Avedon who captured successful collections with innovative pictures of sultry male and female models interlocking their sprawling bodies. Versace s unique and stylish works began to appear on covers of world s most famous fashion magazines. His extremely avant-garde artistic characteristics, attractive style of the Renaissance and imaginative patterns have gradually been accepted and appreciated by fashion insiders. He has won numerous awards such as Commendatore della Repubblica Italiana , Grande Medaille de Vermeil de la Ville de Paris and the Maschera DArgento prize for his huge professional contribution to the theatre, the most significant one is the much-coveted CFDA International Award which is known as the Oscar in fashion industry presented by the Council of Fashion Designers of America. ( Gianni Versace , 2007) Followers of Gianni Versace have a wide range of identities from royal members to rock stars; glitterati such as Elton John, Madonna and Bon Jovi are devotees of him. He successfully combined great passion for art, high-level fashion design and top models he cultivated became one of the most energetic organizer and participant of international luxury fashion show. Tragically, at the peak of his life, Gianni Versace was shot dead in front of his mansion in Miami, Florida. The bullet terminated a romantic legend from Mediterranean. Design philosophy and principles Pursuing of innovation, luxury and detail was always the design principles of Gianni Versace. If consumers found some garment which made them feel ablush with shame because of the bold luxury and fearless reveal, at the same time could not help themselves trying it on. That must be Versace s work, because the philosophy of Versace is: Don t destroy body s energy, do not . Versace s design combined classical and trendy spirit, wondering around between elegant and vulgar style. His works were symbol of avant-garde fashion which has extremely unique beauty, emphasized cheerful and sexy. The most glamorous ones are those presenting characteristic of the Renaissance which fulfilled with imagination at the same time. These patterns are beautiful, sexy, feminine and colourful, combine dramatic luxury, wearing comfort and body fitness. Speaking of classical, royal luxury is an essential element in his design, including graceful smooth linellae, bright colourway, noble and luxurious fabric and bias-cut style. (Martin, 1997) Actually speaking, Versace s design is not as tough as it appears. Trousers with metal mesh and shiny decorations, dresses made of animal skin created a female image between warrior and enchantress. Embroidery and metal mash tones is a recurrence of deco art. The variation of black and white linellae makes individuals recollect 1920s style. A variety of tie-up dressing is a reflection of North African feeling. Bias-cut is the most powerful and precious nature of Versace s design, bonding with gem colourway and smooth linellae, generated infinite glamorous of asymmetric. He adopted luxuriant fabric, crossed over tough geometric linellae and curves of soft body through bias-cut. (Casadio, 1998) Speaking of men s wear, Versace created a bold, magnificent even sultry style by applying of animal skin and the size is slight loose and comfortable, but the keynote is still bias-cut technique. Wide shoulder and extremely detailed treatments hint some kind of science fiction, people named it futurist design. Linellae is an essential factor of Versace s design, suits, dresses and overcoats were all marked by smooth linellae, presented sexy image of female body. Luxury, sexiness and bright colour are his style and the reason celebrities love his design. In the fiercely competitive industry of luxury, the inherent mystique of Versace is unparalleled. Sexy, coquettish and contrasty design uniting with iconic snake-headed Medusa from ancient Greek mythology sublimed his design into legend. Contrast to other contemporary designers Giorgio Armani Comparing to Versace s unique and sexy style, Giorgio Armani s design is much more unobtrusive and never trendy. He could create a perfect and marvelous balance between market demand and glamorous fashion, neutral colourway, elegant tailoring make consumers have no need to flaunt. Removing irrelevant and redundant details is a great contribution of him to fashion tailoring. Armani s concise style always roamed between classical and modern sense, blurred the boundary, expressed the unique showily temperament of European traditional garments. At the same time he masterly interweaved modern feeling into classical imagery, gave garments boundless prospect. People may find it ordinary at the first sight, but afterwards they will feel high-spirited modern passion and the pure dignity without complexity. (Armani, 2003) Giorgio Armani s design style is mostly different from Gianni Versace s, but these two powerful Italian designers certainly have some similarities. Firstly, luxury is the common pursuit of them, regardless of the specific style; Armani and Versace are both symbols of luxury fashion. Secondly, they have great passion adopting high-quality fabrics in order to create excellent texture. In addition, Mediterranean glamour is the core spirit of their design. Roberto Cavalli Speaking of Italian fashion designer Roberto Cavalli, the style of his design is similar to Gianni Versace s in some ways; he is also a pioneer and innovator in the fashion world just like Mr. Versace. From 1960s when Roberto Cavalli founded his company, the wild and sexy style has always been the label of his design, the wildest design in Milan. In 1990s, Cavalli s works became a unique symbol apart from the fashion main stream, contradictions and conflicts were everywhere in his design: two very different kinds of fabric combining together, mixture of concise and luxury, wandering around between formal grace and free style completely collapse the inflexible fashion theory. Double-faced characteristic representing both mild and tough, steady and wild, has become the aesthetic standard of new generation. Roberto Cavalli, the hierarch of wild fashion only design following his own method. Luxury furry coat, traditional embroidery and knitwear with luxuriant pattern are well-known chic items; turning simple elements into luxuriant design, drawing materials from nature are his frequently-used technique. However, the most attractive element of his style is apparently the scent of hormon e. (The Independence, 2010) Striking colourway, sexy cut and luxuriant fabrics are the common pursue of Mr. Cavalli and Versace. Animal print, chiffon, velvet, silk, fur, leather, jewel, and baroque embroidery are highlighted words in their design dictionary. Although their designs are similar, there are apparently some differences. Roberto Cavalli s design emphasized elements drawing from nature, so it is slightly wilder than Versace s. On the other hand, Versace focused on the elegant tailoring and bias cut therefore it is more glamorous to a certain extent. Influence in contemporary fashion After Mr. Versace s gone, Donatella his sister has handled the torch and managed to keep Versace in the centre of fashion industry, inheriting her brother s spirit, impressing fashionistas and the fashion critics. It is impossible to neglect the great influence Gianni had on the fashion industry. His signature style was bold, maybe too bold for some critics so that they declared Versace s garments were shallow, flashy and narcissistic. He often took inspiration from the blocks, suggesting wild sexiness and even bondage. It is still easy to find some elements which are very similar to Gianni s style in recent years collections such as animal print, sexy cut and even metal mesh. Today, most individuals believe that the style of minimalism is the main stream of fashion industry, less is more is a popular saying, even some people s favorite quote. It is true that minimalism is an elegant style through concise cut and simple colourway. However, fashion is never a monotonous world but a multifarious wonderland, and this is the reason people love it more than anything else. The artistic influence of Gianni Versace in the fashion world and stage was actually unparalleled, because his design is extremely unique, innovative and luxury. Conclusions From 1972 he started his career in Milan as a fashion designer when he was 25 to 1997 tragically been shot to death in front of his house in Miami, Gianni Versace had received a great number of honours and awards for his great contribution to fashion industry. His fascinating design was known by colourful printing, sexy cut, exquisite decorations and luxuriant materials. Pursuit of innovation, esthetic and luxury is always his design philosophy. As independent avant-garde design, his works express innovative elements and boundless imagination, at the same time has characteristic of the Renaissance. Through comparing to other contemporary fashion designers, it is clear to see Gianni Versace s design is comparatively unique. It is totally the opposite of concise design and style of minimalism, striking colourway and luxury are his labels. On the other hand it has its own special glamour of Mediterranean such as elegant tailoring, exquisite decorations and smooth linellae. Although Mr. Versace had been gone for more than a decade, his design is still relevance; people can easily find his impact to today s designs. No one can deny the artistic influence of Gianni Versace s design to contemporary fashion. Recommendations Through above research, it is clearly to see the great value in Gianni Versace s design. Although today s main stream of fashion may be minimalism, there are still numerous of applicable elements in his works. There are several recommendations below may be useful to develop future product ranges: 1. Design should be more luxurious. Although it is unnecessary to use too many exquisite decorations and avant-garde materials, at least high quality fabrics should be applied. Not any individual would pay for garments made of paper. 2. Tailoring should be sexier. Sexy and bias cut should be applied into future products, the reason is simple: everyone likes to be sexy. 3. Selectively apply some decorations. There is no need to use too many of them, a few exquisite decorations could be the finishing touch to the picture of a dragon. Bibliography: Armani, G. (2003) Giorgio Armani, Royal Academy of Arts, London. Casadio, M. (1998) Versace, Thames and Hudson Ltd, London. Celant, G. (1997) Gianni Versace: the art of being you, Abbeville Press, New York. Ghosh, D. Versace: Gianni s Legacy and Donatella s Chutzpah , (2009) Life in Italy, Available: (accessed: 2010, October 17) Gianni Versace , (2007) ABT, Available: (accessed: 2010, October 23) Gianni Versace , Fashion Model Directory, Available: (accessed: 2010, October 17) Gianni Versace, fashion designer , (2007) Fashion Infomat, Available: (accessed: 2010, October 20) I love a woman, I love to judge how beautiful she is, how beautiful I can make her (2010) The Independence, 30 Oct, p. 24. Martin, R. (1997) Versace, Thames and Hudson Ltd, London. Special: A Tribute To Gianni Versace , Fashion Design, Available: (accessed: 2010, October 17) Versace, G. (1996) Do not disturb, Abbeville Press, New York. Versace, G. (1994) Men Without Ties, Abbeville Press, New York. Versace, G. (1997) Rock and Royalty, Abbeville Press, New York. Versace, G. (1992) Versace Signature, Abbeville Press, New York. White, N. (2000) Reconstructing Italian Fashion, Berg, Oxford, UK. Wilcox, C. (2002) The art and craft of Gianni Versace, VA, London. Illustrations A Legend In Fashion: Gianni Versace , (2010) The Vintage Independent, Available: (accessed: 2010, November 11) Couture Fashion Week in New York , (2010) Manhattan Style, Available: (accessed: 2010, November 13) Giorgio Armani 2009 spring/summer , (2009) Fzengine, Available: (accessed: 2010, November 12) Giorgio Armani back to 80s , (2009) Ifeng, Available: (accessed: 2010, November 12) Gianni Versace , (2010) Swotti, Available: (accessed: 2010, November 11) Gianni Versace Madame X evening gown, 1980s-90s , (2010) Vintage Textile, Available: (accessed: 2010, November 12) NE?Tiger 2010 Spring/Summer Fashion Show , (2010) Wedding Inspirsi, Available: (accessed: 2010, November 12) Roberto Cavalli , (2010) Photobucket, Available: (accessed: 2010, November 12) The Fabulous House of Versace Donatella Versace Exclusive Interview by Colin McDowell , (2010) Luxe-Gifts, Available: (accessed: 2010, November 10)

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Apophatical Metaphysics of a Subject :: Philosophy Philosophical Essays

Apophatical Metaphysics of a Subject ABSTRACT: In this paper, the inevitability of the metaphysics of a subject for the philosophical understanding of a person’s being in the world is established, and the apophatic character of this type of metaphysics is discussed. Analysis of the categories of being and non-being which allow the interpretation of a subject as transcendent and as transcendental being that is characterized by uniformity, spontaneity and irreversibility is also mentioned. The suggested interpretation of a subject discloses both the rational sense of the classical points of view on the absolute, unconditional, timeless and spaceless character of the subject of knowledge, and the compatibility of the notions of the absolute character of a subject and the ontological condition of a human being in society and culture. The main idea of the suggested conception of a subject is the fact that the subject’s being cannot be "housed" into the world, nor can it be characterized as impossible existence for the world. The world can be understood only from the point of view of being impossible (symbolic) existence. The discussion of the problem of identification of a subject shows that the presumption of a subject as one of the existing structures of the world leads to paradoxes and contradictions in the interpretation of the processes taking place in the world. To understand the process of education, it is necessary to bear in mind that it is not only cognitive, but also moral: education is the process of the formation of a subject of knowledge through identification with transcendental symbolic existence, which fact demands making efforts to be on the part of the thinking person. I. Introduction Some schools of modern philosophy buried the notion of a subject in oblivion. Criticism of the classical reason that began in the second half of the XIX century has come to an end in postmodemism of the XX century with the declaration of the principles of pluralism, relativism, contextuality and decentration. These principles are incompatible with the classical view on a subject, an object, truth and objectivity of cognition. The characteristic feature of the classical conceptions criticism of the 1-conceptions was the fact that it was aimed at opposing the consequences of the classical conceptions. These consequences include theories of the ideological forms of consciousness, theory of social progress, scientism, understanding of truth as a function of power, violence, etc. We must not understand this criticism of consequences as sufficient ground to reject the notion of subject.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Michael E. Porters Five Forces In Pepsi :: Business Strategy

  Ã‚  Ã‚   Introduction The model of the Five Competitive Forces was developed by Michael E. Porter in his book "Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors" in 1980. Since that time it has become an important tool for analyzing an organizations industry structure in strategic processes.    Porters model is based on the insight that a corporate strategy should meet the opportunities and threats in the organizations external environment. Especially, competitive strategy should base on and understanding of industry structures and the way they change. Porter has identified five competitive forces that shape every industry and every market. These forces determine the intensity of competition and hence the profitability and attractiveness of an industry. The objective of corporate strategy should be to modify these competitive forces in a way that improves the position of the organization. Porters model supports analysis of the driving forces in an industry. Based on the information derived from the Five Forces Analysis, management can decide how to influence or to exploit particular characteristics of their industry.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Five Competitive Forces The Five Competitive Forces are typically described as follows: 1  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Bargaining Power of Suppliers The term 'suppliers' comprises all sources for inputs that are needed in order to provide goods or services. Supplier bargaining power is likely to be high when:    ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The market is dominated by a few large suppliers rather than a fragmented source of supply,  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are no substitutes for the particular input,  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The suppliers customers are fragmented, so their bargaining power is low,  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The switching costs from one supplier to another are high,  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There is the possibility of the supplier integrating forwards in order to obtain higher prices and margins. This threat is especially high when  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The buying industry has a higher profitability than the supplying industry,  ·   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Forward integration provides economies of scale for the supplier,  ·   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The buying industry hinders the supplying industry in their development (e.g. reluctance to accept new releases of products),  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The buying industry has low barriers to entry. In such situations, the buying industry often faces a high pressure on margins from their suppliers. The relationship to powerful suppliers can potentially reduce strategic options for the organization.   2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Bargaining Power of Customers Similarly, the bargaining power of customers determines how much customers can impose pressure on margins and volumes. Customers bargaining power is likely to be high when  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   They buy large volumes, there is a concentration of buyers,  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The supplying industry comprises a large number of small operators

Friday, October 11, 2019

Mang Inasal Marketing Profile Essay

Liqueur- is an alcoholic beverage that has been flavored with fruit, herbs, nuts, spices, flowers, or cream and bottled with added sugar. Liqueurs are typically quite sweet; they are usually not aged for long but may have resting periods during their production to allow flavors to marry. Salad- is a wide variety of dihses they may include mixture of cold and hot. Often raw vegetable. Also pasta, legumes, eggs, meat, poultry, seafood, and fuit. cooking oil- any of numerous vegetable oils used in cooking vegetable oil, oil- any of a group of liquid edible fats that are obtained from plants hotel- a commercially run establishment providing lodging and usually meals for guests, and often containing a public bar banquet- a lavish and sumptuous meal; feasta ceremonial meal for many people, often followed by speeches catering- To provide food or entertainment. Baking- To cook (food) with dry heat, especially in an oven. Cocktail- Any of various mixed alcoholic drinks consisting usually of brandy, whiskey, vodka, or gin combined with fruit juices or other liquors and often served chilled. Mocktail- A cocktail containing no alcohol. Tourism- the activitiy of traveliring for pleasure, to see sights, for recreation etc. hospitality- An instance of cordial and generous treatment of guests. Entertainment- Something that amuses, pleases, or diverts, especially a performance or show. Barista- is a person, usually a coffee-house employee, who prepares and serves espresso-based coffee drinks. Manager- a manager is a person who helps others others get more done. A manager helps others get more done by: motivating them providing directions making sure they are working together toward a common goal removing roadblocks and providing feedback. Supevisor- A supervisor is the lowest, or most-junior, management position. It is usually a step above lead (Accounting Supervisor is senior to Lead Accounting Specialist), but below Manager. Culinary Arts-Members of the kitchen brigade are culinary artisans. They have gone through rigorous training in accredited culinary arts programs, and have learned the theories and techniques they need in order to be successful. Simply put, practicing culinary arts means you’re elevating the act of eating from one of mere necessity to one of pleasure. Cake- Cake is a form of bread or bread-like food. In its modern forms, it is typically a sweet and enriched baked dessert. In its oldest forms, cakes were normally fried breads or cheesecakes, and normally had a disk shape. Determining whether a given food should be classified as bread, cake, or pastry can be difficult. Herbs- is â€Å"any plant with leaves, seeds, or flowers used for flavoring, food, medicine, or perfume† or â€Å"a part of such a plant as used in cooking†. Spices- is a dried seed, fruit, root, bark, or vegetative substance used in nutritionally insignificant quantities as a food additive for flavor, color, or as a preservative that kills harmful bacteria or prevents their growth. Bread- is a staple food prepared by cooking a dough of flour and water and often additional ingredients.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Culture in Sports

Sports have contributed to the building of civilizations and can be seen as one of he pillars upon which the human civilization was built. Those who belittle of the role of sports in people's history and culture are not right. The evidence to the role sports played in human culture is clear-cut in the human history. The Roman empire is one of the greatest empires in which sports flourished and was annually celebrated in the Olympic games that set off BC in Olympia in Greece. The role of the Olympic games as one cultural element can never be denied in gathering people.This was assured once again when the new Olympic games was set off again In the nineteenth entry. Herein, It can be mentioned that stadiums and sports halls became the temples of culture and sportsmen became the bearers of the highest cultural values(Dun]a, et al, 2007). The issue of the relationship between sport and culture Is really awkward because lots believed that sports cannot be part of the culture of any nation. However, this article is specifically focusing on showing that sports are nothing but an original part of the culture of nations.This article has been decided on to shedding light on culture , its definitions, sports as a component of culture, the ultra of sport in Europe, culture of sport in The Middle East and the culture of sport in Africa because I myself have a strong belief that sports contributed and is till contributing to the culture of any country. This is in addition to discovering that there is very little literature focusing on sport as an element of culture and the relation between culture and sport especially in the MEAN (Middle East and North Africa) region In spite of the so many achievement that have been made by sport and sportsmen In this region.Definition of culture: A variety of definitions for culture were provided over years. However, each definition represents the personal point of view of the reviewer that provides the definition . Kookier and Chuckhole su ggested a number of definitions that exceeded 200 definitions for the concept of culture in their book, â€Å"Culture: A Critical Review of Concepts and Definitions† (Kookier and Chuckhole, 1952). Howard & Sheet (1969), stated that culture refers to the collective mental programming which people in a society have.Their definition supposes that almost all the Individual's activities are directed by his or her own culture and sport Is certainly one of those activities. According to Hawkins et al. 1983) culture was defined as â€Å"That complex whole which Includes knowledge, beliefs, arts, law, morals, customs and any other capableness and habits acquired by man as a member of society. † It is important to show here that regular way so it is one part of the culture.To others culture can be defined as â€Å"A way of life of a group of people–the behaviors, beliefs, values, and symbols that they accept, generally without thinking about them, and that are passed alo ng by communication and imitation from one generation to the next. † When culture is related to one country, it is to be called national culture. When it is related to one division of a country or community, it can be called sub-culture. When it is concerned with an organization, it is called corporate culture. People are not born with their cultures, but culture is to be acquired and learned.Sports and culture: It is believed that sports have become a part of culture because some cultures always play a type of a sport that they like. They may have invented some kind of sport and always played it. Let us take one popular example which is the cultural sport of one of the most advanced nations all over the world . Let is the USA. The Americans believe hat one very important part of their culture is the sport of baseball. We can ask any American: boy, girl, old man, student, scientist, or whatever comes to our minds. What is your favorite sport? And nine of each ten will certainl y reply Baseball. But, Why?Because it is their cultural sport. They invented it and lived with it. Baseball and all its components have become part of everyday USA inhabitants' life. â€Å"Baseball remains a uniquely American art, a celebration of folk culture†. Sport and culture in Europe: It has always been known that Europe is nothing but a mix of so many cultures. In other words, the European culture can be described as a chain of overlapping cultures. It is a mix of the East and The west, of the many religious attitudes, of the many political movements of the many arts and sports†¦ Etc. The Europeans are by nature traditionalist in a frame of freedom.The European nations are several and almost every country or region has its own culture. Each region in Europe is said to be well-known from the others by its type of music, literature, food, clothes, language and if they speak the same language, they have different dialects and accents. Sport is also another part that distinguishes Europe from any other part of the world. Sport in Europe is as very old as its culture. We can say that sport has been an important fact in each part in the European cultural expression. In their culture children from the age of 10 have to go to any kind of sport academy to learn the basics of sport.So that when they grow up, they don't have the trouble of adapting to it. Many sports were established by the time of Ancient Greece. Sports in Greece which is the main part of the European culture became such a very important part of heir culture They invented the Olympic Games, which is the most important sports event all over the world and where all the different cultural trends meet. Football is another cultural aspect of the European everyday life. It is almost impossible to find a young man or woman in Europe who doesn't know about football and who has a team to support.Football was introduced in its modern issue in Britain, that land of football in the nineteenth cen tury. The Europeans think that Football is not only the most popular sport in many regions of Europe as well as the world but also a social, ancient continent. Football is the most important part of the European sports culture. They follow it eagerly and practice it regularly. European sports and especially football has a huge influence on other parts of the world as well as its influence on the other elements of the European culture. Sports in Europe dominate the economies of the old continent, dominate its music, dance and food.People eat what the football stars eat and wear what they wear. Football decides to a large extent when marriage ceremonies are held †¦ Etc. As a result of their professional sports. Europeans or people who are involved in their sports, view it as a Job. Which means that the players have to play in any kind of circumstance . Famous as it is with all the forms of sports and well known of the Olympic Games as it is European sports are one main component of its culture. The way people view sports and their importance arises several questions in the minds of those who are unaware of the importance of sport.The Europeans always think of sports as the gateway to health and fitness. Sport is an everyday habit that must be practiced by those who are willing to feel healthy. And those represent the huge majority of those who live there. Sports culture in the Middle East: The Middle East is the area that includes both of Western Asia and Northern Africa. It includes all the Arab countries. The culture of this area is so rich and has its roots thousands of years ago in the Islamic civilization and pre-LULAS as well. The culture of the Middle East countries is unique.They have their very traditionalist and restrictive way of living, clothing, music. Sports for people in the Middle East region never was of that importance that I have Just mentioned about it in Europe. It has always been believed that women are not allowed to practice sports b ecause it can be shame that a woman get dressed in short clothes, run, Jump and kick. In the Middle East Area many believes really existed about sport and were inherited to the generations to follow. Some regions considered sports is merely a waste of time.People there never seemed interested to do sports. The tough living conditions in most of the Middle East area was behind there deliberate negligence for sports till very near decades. The only sports that were done there were horse riding, hunting, wining and running. These sports mainly suited the nature of the desert and sea environments that exist in this region. However, Islam urged people to practice sports and to teach them to their children. Horse riding as one of the traditional and cultural sports in the Middle east has a very cultural and traditional root in the area.It is worth mentioning that horse riding developed gradually till it became one of the most popular and well-known sports for its achievements. It is known that people used horses in the early days for transportation of their goods and items. With the appearance of vehicles and the gradual disregard towards horses as transports , people began to focus on using their horses in races, and Jumping barriers. These two cultural and traditional sports have their roots in the Middle East area and refer to the greatness of the area.This was behind the natural lead for the Arabian champions in these ports. The Islamic culture that spread all over the Middle East area encourages people to practice sports at all levels under conditions of following restrictions imposed by the societies on women's practicing of sports and the way in which people of the Middle East live. It can be noticed that in the recent times many societies of the Middle east began to witness a cultural change due to the dealings and the follow up to Western and their cultural practices.Many people changed their culture and began to get new concepts and attitudes towards sport s. These concepts are said to be set in their own minds and habits and are going slowly to be part of their culture. These changes are supposed to focus mainly on the attitudes towards culture. But by the time we witnessed a great change in the Arabian mentality and attitudes in a way that gave the opportunities to those women to racist and participate in sports teams, these women were also allowed to compete internationally and there are champions whose achievements are unique .IANAL Al- Metalwork is the Moroccan runner who might have added to the culture of the sports in The Middle east area when she won an Olympic Medal in the 400 meters running competition in Los Angelo 1984 Olympic games. Football is said to be one of the most favorite sports in the Middle East area. Many national teams in The ME region have made a lot of achievements by participating in the Football World cup. People are crazy about football and follow their teams whenever they go and purport by their hearts.T his proves that people of the Middle East face such as the cultural restrictions or the difficult life conditions in such countries as Egypt, they support and practice sports eagerly. Culture and sport in Africa: It can easily be noticed that the African culture is really exciting. Each African nation includes variable and different mixtures of cultures that belong to each tribe. Each African nation is found to include various tribes whose languages and lifestyle are completely different from even the neighboring tribes. Countries as small as Uganda have more than 30 tribes.The South of Africa has been found to be totally different from The North of Africa in some parts of culture and any other important factor. In the North of Africa, there had been , many civilization. Countries of northern Africa are places where cultures were brought up since the early days of humanity. Egypt is one place where culture is found everywhere in people's clothes, food, music, sports, language and so The culture of sport in North Africa is inherited. People practice sports everyday and without any restrictions. Of course there are some factors that control the society, however sports are allowed everywhere to everyone.In Libya Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia sports have been known before lots of things. Football is the most popular sport there attracts millions of practitioners. Sport as a culture is the most dominant idea in the South of Africa. Sports there is something practiced by nature . Due to the nature of life in South Africa, people have to run, Jump, hit and kick to earn their living. They are practicing sports by nature there. In a country such as South Africa which is an apparent mixture of cultures Sport is a great way to unite South Africans different cultural groups.However, efferent sports enjoy different cultural fan bases (soccer is mostly black-dominated, rugby mostly Afrikaner-dominated and cricket mostly English-dominated). Africans tested and if they are tal ented enough, the clubs or the any kind of sports institute will take them and develop them to be top class players. All in all, African nations have always been known for their poverty. People work from hand to mouth. The opportunities they have to practice sports are rare. And in case they have opportunities to practice any sport, this sport must be inexpensive and costs them nothing at the same time.Culturally, this was behind the nature of sports the African rate used to practice. Due to the tough nature of the continent that is characterized by altitudes , long costs, deserts and the forests, people have those very strong bodies and large lungs that enable them to play athletics especially running races, spear throwing, high Jump, all those sports. The Africans are said to excel in these sports and practice them easily and natural because they do not cost them any money and brings them high profits. These sports are encouraged in the African cultures and have roots in their her itage especially those very poor countries of theSouth such as Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, Nigeria†¦. Etc. Conclusion: To conclude, cultures have always been referred to as the way in which people live, their norms, values, habits, food, costumes, languages, music and even their sports. This shows the importance of sport as one of the elements composing culture and one of the elements that contribute to the process of making humanity, civilization and the style of people's life . And since sports are regarded as something that is shared between a lot of cultures, it is important for the survival of these cultures and the individuals that belong to these cultures.The regions that have been discussed in this articles have things in common when we talk sports. They have all witnessed the importance of practicing sports for the good of the people's fitness and well- being. People who belong to these cultures have never gone without sports and admitted that sport is a must and its exis tence in their lives cannot be denied. However, certain differences do exist between these cultures when we stress the element of sport in this culture. Europe seems to be the most moderate place where sports are practiced without restrictions.People of Europe clearly and biblically admit the importance of sports for their own good. We can rarely find any European who does not practice sports in his everyday life routine. Europeans know and appreciate the role of sports and confess it is part or the main part of their culture. It is alleged at the same stage that their work organization in their organizational culture appreciate and encourages the roles of sport in their individuals' lives. On the other hand Africa and the ME areas have certain things in common when we refer to the role of sports in their culture.Both of them have apparent reference to sports in their ancient cultures and heritages. They both have tough living conditions apart from the ICC states. Sports in the Afri can culture depends on the nature of peoples' lives that is tough. Due to the nature of land and swimming, mountains, altitudes and cost, the Africans excelled in running swimming and jumping. People of the Middle East area especially those of the ICC area have long rooted cultural spots . Horse riding is widely and culturally celebrated and practiced. The Islamic teachings direct people there to teach their children such sports.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Investment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Investment - Essay Example It has often been said that some investment types such as unit trusts are more profitable as compared others such as open ended investment companies (Atrill & Elliot 2005). In this paper we critically review this assertion by looking at literature on the subject of different investment types. The paper begins by providing an overview on the various investment types and afterwards concentrates on evaluating which one is a better investment vehicle by weighing their advantages and disadvantages with respect to their various tax implications. The rest of the paper is organised as follows: section 2 presents an overview of the various investment types focusing on their advantages and disadvantages as an investment vehicle; section 3 provides an overview of these same investment types but this time paying attention on their various tax implication, section 4 presents a brief summary of both investment vehicles as well as some empirical evidence on the performance of some of these investme nts; while the last section presents some concluding remarks. In finance, Investors typically faced two challenging questions. How much to invest? And where to invest (Berlin & Lexa 2005, Brealey & Myers 2005). These are some of the pertinent issues this paper seeks to address. By examining the various investment options available to potential investors. By the end of this paper, we intend to make important conclusion and recommendation as to the best investment option. 2.0 Types of investment products with advantages and disadvantages Globalisation, the new information technology, and deregulation of financial markets have eased not only the provision and search of finance but investment opportunities open to investors. Millions of shares are traded every day on the world's stock markets. (Penman, 2003). Investors who trade on these stocks are often forced to ask themselves whether they are buying or selling at the right price. (Penman, 2003). They often attempt to provide answers to these questions by turning to various media including internet chat rooms, printed press, "talking heads" on television and financial networks, who often voice opinions on what they feel the stock prices should be. (Penman, 2003). In addition, investors consult investment analysts who provide an almost endless stream of information and recommendations investment options opened to them to sort out. There are often claims that some shares are undervalued and vice versa. (Penman, 2003, Shapiro 2003, Ross et al. 1999). This information pertaining to the various investment options at times becomes confusing leaving the investor with no clear indication of what the

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Project Management 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Project Management 2 - Essay Example When cell phones go off due to battery issues, important lines of communication are broken, which, in turn influences our economy negatively. The human charger will not only mitigate but also eliminate the problem. In addition, the human charger will be cheaper as the only requirement for its operation is the body of a human being. The second project I will bring to the fore is the flying car. Many a times, a lot of time is wasted in unending traffic jams that would rather have been used more creatively to build the economy. The flying car will revolutionize air travel by saving on costs for traveling by planes. The third project that I would wish to bring to the front line and ensure its growth and implementation is the intelligent window. The intelligent window employs an electrical glaze on windows that can be converted into heat energy to warm houses during the winter season. This revolutionary project will help save on the sumptuous sums of money spent on warming homes during the winter season. Additionally, the glazing darkens significantly during the summer to reduce the amount of heat getting into houses. My fourth project that I would like to see prosper is the eye tracking system pioneered in Sweden. The eye tracking system lets users control computers using only their eyes. This system makes the computer mouse a redundant tool to use when it comes to controlling computers. In addition, it makes it easy for someone to control a computer without physically having to move which saves on time. In conclusion, all the projects I wish to actualize are workable and achievable if succinct measures are taken in their execution. These projects, once executed, will make work much hassle-free for humans thus ensuring that time is expended on other more important

Monday, October 7, 2019

Strategic Planning Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Strategic Planning - Case Study Example In the next part of the report I will be highlighting the areas on which the company needs to stress more and will also make some necessary recommendations. The first thing that GIFC needs to accomplish is that it should define its business, goods and services and also the target customers. Also defining a clear vision for the organization which clearly expresses the intentions of the company and where it wants to be in the future will also help to serve the purpose. Defining their thoughts on social responsibility, culture and ethics will further strengthen the standings of the organization. The company can think of commencing operations in the global market by using effective expansion strategies. This will not only help the company to earn more revenue, but will also allow them to cater to a number of segments around the world. However the growth is directly related with the quality of their service, level of customer service and also the location of the outlets. In order to develop core competencies for itself the company must focus on various aspects. Some of the evident factors are variety of dishes, authenticity of the ingredients, and ambience of the outlets. Furthermore the company should also develop a strong customer relationship management tool, which will ensure highest level of customer satisfaction and they could even become a word of mouth promoter for the company. One of the important suggestions for the company is that while getting into any new kind of activity, the company should perform an analysis of the macro environment. This will help them to make decisions purely based upon the external situations and can sustain with it for a longer period of time. Strategic planning is defined as the process by which the management personnel of the company decides about the objectives of the company and also defines the proper courses of action required to achieve the objectives (â€Å"Strategic Planning†). It is also referred to as a

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Proposal writing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Proposal writing - Research Paper Example interaction with clients with little extra expense; the writers state that the business owners must specify the main reasons for using social networks. Cooke and Buckley (2008) explain that business owners should identify the appropriate social network for their business depending on their benefits or drawbacks to the business structure. Salo and Karjaluoto (2007) recommend involvement of all internal and external stakeholders in the strategy, especially by anticipating the reactions and concerns of external stakeholders to the new communication models, and developing a reaction strategy. Shin (2010) states that the main determinants of the social network to adopt are the target market, the likely return on investment and the costs of using social networks in terms of time, money and other resources. Burrus (2010) has a word of caution for would-be users of social networks for business purposes, especially due to increased chances of negative publicity by using social networks necess itates that the firm comes up with a team to protect its online

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Explore the long and short term social and economic consequences of Essay

Explore the long and short term social and economic consequences of the dissolution of the monasteries under King Henry VIII (8th) - Essay Example Henry, working through his chief minister Thomas Cromwell, decided to cut England's ties with the papacy in Rome and introduce the Reformation into the kingdom. Historians have argued that the dissolution of England's monasteries was a social and economic revolution. It was the biggest change in the ownership of land in the kingdom since the Norman Conquest. In the 16th century, England needed more land because of a rise in the kingdom's population and improvements in agriculture, allowing previously uncultivated lands to be opened up. The Dissolution also allowed people outside the Church to take advantage of the monasteries' property, and nobles and the gentry bought much of it. A large part of England's wealth was thus taken out of the hands of the Church; this allowed the gentry to take a more important part in the kingdom's affairs because they could afford to attend university and sit as Members of Parliament. Many of the dismantled monasteries and friaries were sold for nominal amounts (often to the local aristocrats and merchants), and some of the lands the King gave to his supporters; there were also pensions to be paid to some of the dispossessed clerics. Many others continued to serve the parishes. Although the total value of the confiscated property has been calculated to be 200,000 at the time, the actual amount of income King Henry received from it from 1536 through 1547 averaged only 37,000 per year, about one fifth of what the monks had derived from it. Money from the monasteries helped to ensure that Henry would have no difficulty financing the Crown. Consequences of the Act for the Suppression of the Lesser Monasteries: Prior to 1536, Henry had ordered that Thomas Cromwell, his Vicar-General, carry out an audit of the monasteries, which he did with four men in just six months, resulting in some wrong decisions. Cromwell reported 'Manifest sin, vicious, carnal and abominable living is daily used and committed amongst the little and small abbeys'. The reports of Cromwell often differed with the reports of the relevant Bishops and he tended to brand all houses as corrupt. It was in this spirit of reform that the Act for the Suppression of the Lesser Monasteries, 1536 was passed. The Act clearly pointed out the worthiness of 'great and honorable monasteries right well kept', contrasting these with the smaller houses that were 'sunk irredeemably in iniquity' and had 'resisted all attempts at reform for 200 years or more', and it was these that should be closed down. The Act also stated that 'The idle and dissolute monks and nuns who live in these little dens of vice should be dispersed amongst the greater abbeys where they will, by discipline and example, be brought to mend their ways. The properties and endowments thus vacated can then be transferred to the King, to put to such better uses as he may think fit'. Henry used the money to finance the building of forts around the English coast, hardly a better use. According to the Act, all the land and property of a religious house that had an income of less than 200 a year was transferred to the Crown. The Act allowed for the abbots, priors, abbesses and prioresses to be compensated with generous pensions and other monks and nuns could be transferred to another house or return to the secular way of life. The new owners of the lands were encouraged